|| Om Shri Venkateshwaraya Namaha ||  
|| Om Saravana Bhavaaya Namaha ||

Chandika Homa| Chandi Paath| Durga Saptashati Havan| Powerful remedy for Rahu| Sarva Paapa Prayaschitta Homa




Restore Peace, Stability & Positivity with Chandika Homa

Homa to ward off all doshas and get grace of Maha Kali, Maha Lakshmi and Maha Saraswati.

Chandi paath when performed with devotion removes miseries in the lives of the person who is suffering. 

When the Chandi paath is performed on ashtami, navami and chaturdashi thithi, particularly the chapters on mahishasura vadha, shumbha nishumbha samhara adhyayas are read, then such a devotee is blessed and protected from all dangers. They will never face any sort of mishaps or dangers. They will never face dearth of money. They will always remain prosperous. They will always get love from their near and dear ones. There will be no separation from close members of the family and friends. 

They will never face dangers or threats  from Shathrus – enemies, government or government agencies, weapons, fire or water. 

All problematic situations caused by maha maari are also controlled by Devi, therefore a devotee is protected from all such threats. 

Devi says, “My devotee who gets the Chandi paath done will be free from all challenges, problems and difficulties. He or she will be blessed with a good progeny, abundant wealth, comfort and luxuries. Their family and future generations will prosper well too and they will always be very happy. He will be blessed with good health. 

My devotee will also be blessed with courage and valour. He will not be affected by bad dreams and negative planetary influences as per his chart or go-char will also nullify. Planets will turn benefic towards them. Even the bad dreams are transformed into good dreams”. 

All negative energies  like bhoot, Pret, pisaach and their evil influences  are also eliminated from the lives of a devotee who gets Chandi paath done. 

Highly effective for those who suffer from shathru badha. 

Even wild animals will not trouble the devotee who gets my Chandi paath done.  

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