|| Om Shri Venkateshwaraya Namaha ||  
|| Om Saravana Bhavaaya Namaha ||

Ganapathi Atharvashersha Havan | 10 brahmin priests | Sankashta hara chaturthi




10 Brahmins will be performing the 1000 Paath and Havan

About Ganapathi Atharvasheersha Havan:

This havan is prescribed in the Atharva Veda itself. Through the Ganapathi Atharvasheersha Mantra, we invoke the grace and blessings of Lord Ganesh ji so that all the obstacles are removed in our path to progress, we are bestowed with everything. This is one of the most effective spiritual remedies. This is also one of the best poojas one can do at least once in a year so that you don’t come across any sort of problems for the rest of the year. Ghee, Lajja, Dhurva grass, 1000 modakas, totally 10 varieties of dravyas  are offered to Lord Ganapathi as holy fire oblations.

Benefits as per Phala Shruthi:

One who chants this Upanishad becomes Brahman ( realising God – attaining enlightenment ).As the Vedas declare through the Mundaka Upanishad of Atharva Veda – Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavati.One who realises Brahman ( God ) becomes Brahman.

  • He will not be affected or tied up by any obstacles.
  • He experiences bliss at all times.
  • He is released from the five great sins.
  • When one recites this upanishad in the evening, the sins committed during the day are destroyed.
  • When one recites this upanishad in the morning, the sins committed at night are destroyed.
  • With double recitation ( morning and evening ), he becomes free from all sins.
  • When read in any situation and anywhere, one becomes free of all obstacles.
  • One attains all four goals of life ;
    1. Righteousness ( dharma )
    2. Wealth ( Artha )
    3. Rightful Desire ( kaama )
    4. Liberation ( Moksha )
  • If one recites and meditates on this Upanishad 1000 times, he attains siddhi ( mastery )
  • One who does Abhisheka to Lord Ganapati with this Upanishad ( while reciting this Upanishad ) becomes a renowned orator ( fluent speaker )
  • One who fasts on Chaturthi ( 4th day from new moon / full moon ) and recites this Upanishad becomes filled with knowledge ( becomes a Vidvan )
  • His consciousness raises to understand and experience Brahman ( God-consciousness ). As a result, he becomes totally fearless.
  • One who worships Lord Ganapati with blades of Durva grass becomes as prosperous as the God of wealth ( Kubera )
  • One who offers parched grains (rice/wheat flakes ) to Ganapati becomes a person of name and fame.
  • He would also become a medhavan ( genius )
  • One who offers a thousand modakas for worship gets his desires fulfilled.
  • One who offers ghee and firewood to the fire-sacrifice  ( Yagna ) attains everything.
  • One who enables eight qualified people to absorb these teachings of the Atharva Veda becomes dazzling like the Sun.

By undertaking  Japa ( continuous recitation ) on the banks of a great river during a solar eclipse or by sitting in front of the idol of Lord Ganapati, one gets the siddhi of this mantra ( mantra siddhi)

In particular, he becomes free from big obstacles, major defects, and all sins.

He who has this knowledge becomes all-knowing.

The Phala Shruti ends with a declaration that the reciter will attain enlightenment and hence, becomes all-knowing. This verse is repeated twice to stress its magnitude.

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